Fellowship of Giving

The success of Trinity Lutheran Church depends on the kindness and generosity of our congregation as well as our guests, visitors, and business partners. We deeply appreciate your one-time and recurring donations that support our ministry. We look forward to serving our community for generations to come (See below donate by credit card, online, check, or money order).

The following donations (if desired) to an active fund for memorials or for a good cause are supported by the TLC Council and the Pastor.

BENEVOLENCE FUND  is to be used for charitable gifts to individuals or organizations with the intent of that gift is to do good to others or as an act of kindness based on need. 

BUILDING FUND Money held within the Building Fund consists of donations made to this fund and any additional money the Church Council may decide to allocate to this fund from the general savings account. Money within this fund will be used for unbudgeted enhancements, repairs, and/or maintenance of the church building and cannot be used to fund any capital or deductible expense covered by a different fund such as the HVAC or the Disaster Recovery Fund. 

LWML FUND This fund consists of money belonging to the LWML and is under their direct control and any reallocation of these funds for church-related expenditures shall be at the discretion of that organization’s leadership. 

HVAC FUND Is for capital expenditures, and replacement of the church’s heating/air conditioning equipment, and shall not be used for general maintenance or repair of that equipment. 

DISASTER RECOVERY FUND This fund shall be used to pay the church’s 2% insurance deductible when repairs are needed to the church’s structure as a result of wind damage of any kind. Note that this is not general maintenance or a repair fund where such repairs or maintenance does not involve a wind-related insurance deductible. 

PAVILION FUND This fund shall be used specifically to improve the pavilion at the backside of the church structure. 

CARILLON BELL FUND This fund shall be used specifically to repair or replace the Electronic Carillon (bell chimes) of the church. 

STAINED GLASS FUND This fund shall be used specifically for the purchase and installation of stained glass-like windows in the altar area of the church. 

Contributions can be made by check or money order, online by credit or debit card (Click Below), or by shopping online with Amazon Smile. If you have any questions about how you can help support Trinity Lutheran Church, please contact us.